#Monster prom amira how to#
Captured on Purpose: Vera does one of these to try and figure out how to deal with the false accusation that she killed the mayor of monsteropolis her friends and family don't exactly take this well, considering she never told them it was intentional.But Now I Must Go: how Amira reacts to finding out that she's royalty, due to the fact that she feels more at home in monsteropolis than in the country she was born she decides to give up the throne and return home but promises to keep contact with her family from now on.Bully Turned Buddy: Damien and Brian after they clear up a misunderstanding regarding the former's Cock and Amira and Vicky after a particularly vicious dodgeball match.this is what sets Amira on the path to becoming an abrasive criminal as well as costing her the very first friend and crush she ever had.

#Monster prom amira pro#
Who reveals that he lied about his humble origins to sell merch and basically crushes Amira's dreams of ever being a pro race car driver. Broken Pedestal: Amira suffers extremely hard from this when she meets her racing idol 'Justice Vasquez'.Birds of a Feather: Oz and Zoe's friendship as geeky eldritch beings.Binge Montage: chapter 12 has one of these with Polly and Amira getting absolutely blitzed out of their minds.Big Damn Reunion: in chapter 13 when Polly finds out that Oz has been successfully resurrected, the first thing the ghost girl does is give the shadow boy a big hug and expresses just how happy she is to have him back.This moment belongs to just the two of them. On the morning of November 6th, Oz and Polly Geist kissed for the very first time. a long running bet that started in chapter 5 had Polly bet Oz that if he could ever beat her in a chess match, she'd go on a date with him.The Bet: Chapter 18 has one between Oz and Vera, with the former betting the latter that Polly could clean up her act and get a job in less than a week if Polly succeeds, the ghost gets a cat she's wanted to adopt for a while.Benevolent Boss: Penny Greene in chapter 18, she is kind, jovial, and silly woman who frequently gives Polly emotional support and does her best to ensure that the ghost succeeds in her new job there's a very specific reason she has a soft spot for Polly.So Miranda, if anyone comes up to you like oh its not a fruit tell em to shove it because it absolutely is. There is no legitimate debate, its black and white. Science is clear, to be a fruit you have to meet certain requirements, and our little elephant in the room here fulfills those requirements.

Now, ok I know I just said ∿ruits and that probably sounds weird because theres a lotta debate on whether one of these ingredients is a fruit or not, but this is a scientific lecture, so Im only going to report the facts. too bad she didn't find out WHY Scott did that until after she yelled at him. Anger Born of Worry: after Scott nearly dies in a forest fire in the name of a group of furries, Vicky lays into Scott for abandoning the football team and endangering his own life for people that didn't actually care about him.Given some of Amira's emotional hangups and the nature of her relationship with Vera it's a reasonable assumption. Am I Just a Toy to You?: Amira keeps asking both herself and Vera this question on several occasions in relation to the nature of their relationship, especially whenever Vera acts nice or affectionate towards Amira.she wins the bet when Zoe shows up and interrupts them at the exact moment Amira predicted. We get a third instance of this after they spend a rather romantic day together, with Amira saying that they're bound to get interrupted again if they try to kiss and the djinn even goes so far as to bet a thousand dollars that such an interruption occurring.Almost Kiss: Amira and Vera have had two of these moments so far, once in chapter 13 where they were interrupted by Vera getting a phone call and another in chapter 15 where Amira's mom shows up with a birthday cake.Absurdly Powerful Student Council: Vera sizes control of this to rule Spooky High.